What is 40 Year Recertification in Florida? A Comprehensive Guide

When a residential or commercial building in certain counties in the state of Florida, including Miami-Dade and Broward County, reaches its 40th anniversary, an engineer or architect must recertify it to ensure its structural and electrical safety. This process is known as 40-year recertification and must be repeated every 10 years after the building's 40th anniversary. Building owners and property managers should consult with structural engineers to perform a proper inspection as their building approaches 40 years. When it's time to carry out an evaluation of the property for 40 years, the owner will receive a notice that an inspection must be done.

At that time, the owner will have 90 days to find a structural engineer to complete a building inspection and submit a report to the city or county. The report will indicate what parts of the building (if any) need to be repaired or replaced. The owner will then have another 180 days to complete the necessary repair work. Once the repairs are complete, the structural engineer will prepare another report to verify that the initial findings have been resolved.40-year certification is required for buildings 40 years of age or older located in Broward and Miami-Dade counties.

The inspection and recertification are repeated every 10 years after the building's 40th anniversary. Under section 8-11 (f) of the Miami-Dade County Code, Miami-Dade County exempts buildings smaller than 2,000 square feet; the Broward County code excludes all buildings smaller than 3,500 square feet.

What is 40 Year Recertification?

40 year recertification is a process that requires an engineer or architect to inspect a residential or commercial building in certain counties in Florida, including Miami-Dade and Broward County, when it reaches its 40th anniversary. This process is necessary to ensure that the building is structurally and electrically safe. After the initial inspection, it must be repeated every 10 years.

Why is 40 Year Recertification Necessary?

The purpose of 40 year recertification is to ensure that buildings remain safe for occupants and visitors.

Over time, buildings can deteriorate due to wear and tear, weather conditions, and other factors. By having an engineer or architect inspect the building every 10 years, any potential safety issues can be identified and addressed before they become serious problems.

Who Needs to Comply with 40 Year Recertification?

Any residential or commercial building located in Broward or Miami-Dade counties that is 40 years of age or older must comply with 40 year recertification. There are some exceptions; Miami-Dade County exempts buildings smaller than 2,000 square feet while Broward County excludes all buildings smaller than 3,500 square feet.

What Does the Process Involve?

When a building reaches its 40th anniversary, the owner will receive a notice that an inspection must be done within 90 days. The owner must then hire a structural engineer to complete a building inspection and submit a report to the city or county.

The owner then has 180 days to complete any necessary repair work. Once this is done, the structural engineer will prepare another report verifying that all initial findings have been resolved.


40 year recertification is an important process for ensuring that residential and commercial buildings remain safe for occupants and visitors in certain counties in Florida, including Miami-Dade and Broward County. Building owners should consult with structural engineers when their building approaches its 40th anniversary in order to comply with this process.